Signs of the
You've all been hit by this time with the effects of a 25% postal in- crease. That 25% is only 2c on a letter, but when you mail multi-oz. pack- ages it adds up to real money very fast. Have you looked at the postage required to mail packages to you from Chevalier lately... $.50 on TVia, $1.00 on How to and the Wives book. And postage isn't all, paper and printing are also going up. Of course all your bills are going up too and as a result many readers are having to cut down on moneys spent on their femmeselves... on clothes etc. and also on reading materials. This is understandable but it also means that there has been about a 40% drop in our receipts. The costs go right on however, as I have no way of cutting them 40% to match. I can't cut publication orders because then we would run out of issues too soon and on top of that the cost per issue would be even higher.
In TVia No. 80 I mentioned considering cutting page length of the magazine but on checking found that it wouldn't reduce the weight from 5 oz. to 4 oz. and would actually cost more to print because it would mean printing 5-16pg. sheets and 1-8 page sheet instead of 6-16pg. sheets. That is more of a printing and binding problem and thus more expensive so what to do? I don't like to increase the price because I think $5 is high enough as it is and it would mean reprinting price lists and having a lot of explain- ing to do to people who saw and ordered from old lists etc. So it's a dilem- ma that poses real problems. Altho I pay against it every week from the week's receipts, as I write this I have outstanding typographic and print- ing bills amounting to over $1800 and bills for reprinting Male Actress and Schoolgirl have not been sent to me yet. On top of that No. 81 is already in the works at the typographer's.
It's time to print some more new stories but that is even more capital